New Water Power Cars Save You Money at the Pump
Actually NEW water power cars is a mistake. There's nothing New about the technology behind water power cars. Its been around for 90+ years but only recently was discovered in the mothballs and brought out into mainstream America. And none to soon.
Gas prices are getting scarier and scarier. Personally, I"m amazed at how low key Americans have remained so far on the topic of rising gasoline prices. Remember when Jimmy Carter was president and the frenzy that took place when gas prices rose back then? Truckers were going on strike. People were lined up for blocks waiting their turn at the gas pump? So congrats are due to all of us for maintaining our cool.
Having said that, that doesn't mean that we aren't in for continued challenges at the pump. Its not like in the past with Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton when gasoline prices eventually settled down to something resembling normal. I don't think we will ever experience cheap gas again and that's why these 'so called' new water power cars are so exciting. Right now the technology is available to everyone of us driving a car or truck or RV to run our gas engines with Hydroxy gas made from water. It is incredibly CHEAP energy and even though you burn it in conjunction with gasoline, it will cut down tremendously on the amount of money you spend at the pump.
Not only that but these water power cars are in our possession already. Yes with our existing vehicles all that's needed is a simple little conversion kit that has the potential to up your mpg from 50% to 80% higher. That means the higher your joint gasoline and Hydroxy fuel efficiency goes the fewer dollars you are pulling out of your wallet at the mini-mart. Plus the technology reduces pollution and smog which ups our chances of winning the war on global warming. Who of us isn't interested in having one of those new water power cars. own the start of one already.
Roberts Ellyn is an investigative feature writer. If you are as interested as she is in cutting the cost per gallon of gasoline in half or MORE, take a look at this simple system that offers an immediate solution to the energy crisis. Anyone can burn water for fuel in their existing cars and trucks. Find out how -